Keep current with FVGC news as we sow seeds of change in the fresh produce industry.

Application Submitted to AAFC’s AgriScience Cluster Program

On January 19, 2023, FVGC submitted the official application for the Canadian AgriScience Cluster for Horticulture 4 to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's AgriScience Cluster Program.   The following activities were included in FVGC's application, for a combined...

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Déclaration du CCH sur la gale verruqueuse de la pomme de terre

23 novembre 2021 - La gale verruqueuse de la pomme de terre, un organisme de quarantaine réglementé, a été détectée depuis 2000 dans des champs de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard (Î.-P.-É.). De nouvelles détections dans deux champs de pommes de terre commerciales qui étaient...

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Fresh Thinking Magazine

Magazine Idées fraîches

The Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC) publishes a free semi-annual bilingual print magazine featuring high-level industry perspectives and useful tips for growers. 

Fresh Thinking Magazine

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