Keep current with FVGC news as we sow seeds of change in the fresh produce industry.

CanadaGAP holds 2018 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of CanAgPlus, the not-for-profit corporation that owns and operates the CanadaGAP® Program, was held on Thursday, December 6, 2018 in Ottawa. CanadaGAP program participants elected two new and two returning directors to the CanAgPlus Board....

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New video: What is the value of an international farm worker?

The newest video of our campaign in celebration of international farm workers looks at the greater economic impact of the programs on our communities. Former mayor of Leamington, John Patterson, tells the story in his own words. View video Facebook Twitter LinkedIn...

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Genetic Testing for Problem Weeds

Story by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Vegetable growers often use herbicides to control weeds that affect production and cause yield losses. However, some weeds can develop resistance to herbicides. Not only does this impede weed management and cause yield losses,...

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Mis sur pied du Conseil canadien de la santé des végétaux

La collaboration entre les gouvernements, l'industrie, le milieu universitaire et d'autres intervenants en santé des végétaux du Canada est essentielle pour protéger nos ressources contre les risques nouveaux et émergents, favoriser l'innovation et veiller à ce que...

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