January 26, 2024

We face a critical moment with Bill C-234. Recent developments indicate that the Bloc Quebecois is leaning towards supporting the Senate’s amendments, which would significantly limit the bill’s scope to a three-year exemption only for grain drying, irrigation, and feed preparation. This change adversely impacts other essential operations, especially for greenhouse growers.


To ensure our voices are heard, we urge all members, particularly those in Quebec or with a strong presence in Bloc Quebecois-represented areas, to take immediate action:

  1. Inform Your Board and Members: Make sure everyone in your organization is aware of these developments and the impact on our sector.
  2. Direct Communication with Bloc Leadership: We need to send letters (preferably in French) to key Bloc Quebecois leaders, urging them to support the original form of Bill C-234 as passed by the House in March. Contact:
  3. Personal Outreach: If you live or work in Bloc Quebecois riding, contact your MP and tell them why the amendments must not pass.


We have included a template letter for your use in English and French.


This is a pivotal moment for our sector. There is no recourse on this bill if these amendments pass in the House. Your swift action can help safeguard the interests of Canadian fruit and vegetable growers.


Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.


For more information, please contact:
Ashley Peyrard
Communications Manager
Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada
