Intelligence artificielle et dépistage

Un robot de dépistage de la maladie conçu par des scientifiques de l’Université de Guelph fait l’objet d’essais dans une serre commerciale en Ontario. Qu’est-ce que ceci pourrait signifier pour l’industrie de production en serres au Canada? Par Mark Halsall...

Artificial Intelligence and Scouting

A disease-detecting robot devised by scientists at the University of Guelph is undergoing testing at a commercial greenhouse in Ontario. What could this mean for Canada’s greenhouse industry? By Mark Halsall One of the most dynamic forms of technological advancement...

Combatting Potato Virus Y

A five-year research study into PVY is helping potato growers develop new tactics for fighting dangerous new strains of the disease. By Mark Halsall One of the oldest known plant viruses in the world, Potato Virus Y (PVY), has been managed by commercial potato...

Mapping Agriculture from Space

How AAFC’s new generation of satellite-based agri-environment indicators will help drive change in Canada’s agricultural sector. By Mark Halsall These days, timely, reliable and spatially specific information is critical for developing and supporting agricultural...