Dusty Zamecnik: Horticultural Entrepreneur

Dusty Zamecnik is a 27-year-old horticultural farmer in the lush farmland of Norfolk County, Ontario, which is situated close to Lake Erie’s north shore. Now production manager at his family’s EZ Grow Farms, Zamecnik returned to farming in 2014 after getting a...

Prix présentés au Banquet de l’AGA 2018 du CCH

Le thème central de la récente Assemblée générale annuelle du Conseil canadien de l’horticulture (CCH) était un changement de garde. Ayant eu lieu à Ottawa du 13 au 15 mars, la rencontre a attiré 150 délégués pour étudier et débattre des politiques – et pour rendre...

Awards presented at CHC 2018 AGM Banquet

A changing of the guard was a central theme at the recent Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) annual general meeting. Held in Ottawa from March 13-15, the meeting attracted 150 delegates to review and debate policy – and to honour those for outstanding service to...