by Ashley Peyrard | Jun 1, 2018 | News
Canadian farmers are under an ever-increasing amount of pressure due to changing government regulations and competition from U.S. and Mexican growers. Ironically, the federal government wants to grow Canada’s agricultural exports to $75 billion by 2025. It’s about...
by Ashley Peyrard | May 28, 2018 | Labour campaign, News
On Wednesday, May 9, CHC and Hyperactive initiated production on the international farm worker awareness campaign by filming at SunTech Greenhouses, near Ottawa. Owners Bob Mitchell, and his wife, Carmen, were very accommodating and generous with their time. They...
by Ashley Peyrard | May 11, 2018 | News
On May 10, 2018, CHC presented before the Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry (AGFO) to discuss Part 5, as it relates to farming, of Bill C-74 (a bill intended to pass into law certain elements of Budget 2018). Key points conveyed CHC took advantage...
by Ashley Peyrard | May 7, 2018 | News
Over the past week, CHC participated in several high-level meetings with Cabinet Ministers and their staff to discuss pressing labour issues. Tuesday, May 1: Brian Gilroy, CHC President; Beth Connery, CHC Labour Committee Chair; and Rebecca Lee, CHC Executive...
by Ashley Peyrard | Apr 27, 2018 | News
Rebecca Lee, CHC’s Executive Director, provided an in-person update for members at the BC Greenhouse Growers’ Association AGM on April 20. The presentation was very well-received, with many voicing their appreciation for CHC’s in-person participation. Rebecca also...
by Ashley Peyrard | Apr 18, 2018 | News
CHC and CFIA’s ongoing collaboration with regards to Canada’s Plant and Animal Health Strategy (PAHS) was on display again recently as the two organizations presented at a meeting of FPT (federal, provincial, territorial) Assistant Deputy Ministers (ADMs) of...