FVGC Board of Directors’ Summer Tour

August 29, 2023

On July 5, 2023, the FVGC Board of Directors met in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, for the Annual Summer Farm Tour. This tour brought together FVGC leadership with local members, growers, industry stakeholders, and government representatives to explore Canada’s thriving fresh produce sector.

The tour included visits to seven farms, each showcasing a different aspect of Canada’s diverse fruit and vegetable sector. The 2023 Summer Tour was an occasion for knowledge exchange and the exploration of exciting prospects in Canada’s fresh produce sector.

We were honored to be accompanied on the tour by four federal Members of Parliament and the PEI Minister of Agriculture. Specifically, we were joined by Members of Parliament Dave Epp, Scot Davidson, Heath MacDonald, and Lianne Rood, along with the Honourable Bloyce Thompson, Minister of Agriculture for PEI. Their participation greatly contributed to the success of the tour.

We are so thankful to the farms that generously opened their doors to the participants and the dedicated individuals who made this tour a resounding success. The generosity of our sponsors helped make this tour possible.