Supporting effective policy change for the advancement of our sector!

January 13, 2020

Following the 2019 federal election, the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) and Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) are preparing for two key events that will bring industry to Ottawa to meet with Parliamentarians.

On February 25, 2020, CHC and CPMA will hold our annual Farm to Plate advocacy event on Parliament Hill. This will be our first opportunity to meet with the new class of Members of Parliament, as well as with Senators and senior government officials. This event will be followed later in the year by our annual Fall Harvest event, taking place from November 2-4, 2020, when we will once again gather in Ottawa to engage Canada’s elected officials in support of our industry.

Members interested in registering can contact Karl Oczkowski, Manager, Communications, at for more information.

We are actively planning both events in order to seize the opportunity to build strong relationships with key decision- and policymakers in Ottawa. In addition to joining us for this event to advocate for our industry, your sponsorship can turn modest budgets into compelling, influential activities and communication materials that encourage action from Parliamentarians and government regulators – action that benefits produce industry stakeholders across Canada.

With numerous new faces and a minority government, there will be many groups vying for the attention of our elected officials. To support our success, we are offering three sponsorship options:

  •  $5,000 – Sponsorship to be split between our 2020 Farm to Plate and 2020 Fall Harvest events;
  •  $3,000 – Sponsorship of 2020 Farm to Plate OR 2020 Fall Harvest event;
  •  $1,000 – $2,999 – Sponsorship of 2020 Farm to Plate OR 2020 Fall Harvest event.

Your contribution will allow participants to positively influence key decision makers on behalf of Canada’s fruit and vegetable industry.

In recognition of your support, you will receive:

$3,000 $5,000+
Company name recognition on sponsor materials FTP or FH FTP or FH FTP and FH
Prominent recognition with your logo on key promotional material and on-site signage FTP or FH FTP and FH
Two tickets to the 2020 Farm to Plate (FTP) and/or 2020 Fall Harvest Reception(s) FTP or FH FTP and FH
Recognition in Produce Now, CPMA’s monthly e-bulletin, and HortShorts, CHC’s e-bulletin FTP or FH FTP or FH FTP and FH

Note: FTP = Farm to Plate; FH = Fall Harvest

Please support CPMA and CHC advocacy events by completing the form located here to pledge your sponsorship today.