CHC Executive Director among panel of experts to review BRM programs

December 20, 2017

In July 2017, federal, provincial and territorial (FPT) ministers of agriculture agreed to undertake a review of business risk management (BRM) programs to assess program effectiveness and their impact on growth and innovation. CHC Executive Director, Rebecca Lee, has joined the external Expert Panel of producers, academics and experts that has been established to provide feedback and guidance on the review.

The panel consists of:

  • Rebecca Lee – Executive Director, Canadian Horticulture Council
  • Mark Brock – Director, Grain Farmers of Ontario and Member of AgGrowth Coalition
  • Chris Simpson – Beef producer and Accountant with MNP
  • Mary Robinson – Crop producer and Chair, Canadian Agriculture Human Resource Council
  • Tyler Fulton – Cow-calf producer and Director of Risk Management, H@ms Marketing Service
  • Lane Stockbrugger – Grain and oilseed producer
  • Lysa Porth – Professor, University of Manitoba and Guy Carpenter Chair in Agricultural Risk Management
  • Maurice Doyon – Professor, Laval University
  • Jean-Philippe Gervais – Vice President and Chief Agricultural Economist, Farm Credit Canada (FCC)
  • Anita Wickersham – Senior Manager, KPMG Consultations
  • Joe Glauber – Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute

The Panel members will support the BRM review task team made up of FPT officials who have been working on the review since the summer of 2017. This work will help inform ministers on the continued effectiveness and impact of BRM Programs in meeting the future needs of the sector.

The panel will meet through the winter and spring of 2018, and their findings will be presented to FPT ministers at their annual meeting next summer in British Columbia.

Learn more about BRM programs under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership