2017 Mid-Summer Apple Meeting & Orchard Tour

August 31, 2017

Last July 25 and 26, Quebec’s Apple Producers hosted the annual meeting of the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC)’s Canadian apple industry. Representatives from the industry, from the Quebec and Canadian governments and from the other provinces increased their knowledge of Quebec’s apple industry.

The event, held in the Laurentians, was a huge success!

On July 25, networking among the members of the working group was undertaken in Mont-Tremblant. The crop estimate for each province was discussed. Crop volume for Nova Scotia should be similar to last year’s. Some Ontario producers faced hail that devastated a few orchards; in all, a slight drop in volume is predicted compared to 2016. A high volume of apples is predicted for British Columbia and the number of available Ambrosia is still increasing.

We also discussed the re-evaluation of Captan. Considerable action was taken following last year’s CHC survey of a number of Canadian apple producers. Recently, the various associations answered a second questionnaire from the PMRA in order to prepare arguments in favour of continuing its use in Canadian orchards.

It was proposed that a video be made on the international farm workers programs, stressing the importance of these workers for the horticultural industries of Quebec and Canada, and highlighting the program’s positive impact on the families of the workers. CHC needs funding to produce the video and is asking for the support of all those who can contribute financially.

The next day, members visited many apple-producing and agribusiness sites. Many presentations were made. Here are the details:

The Cataphard Orchards

  • Sexual Confusion, presented by Mr. Daniel Cormier, researcher at the IRDA.
  • The Apple of Tomorrow, presented by Mr. Roland Joanin and Mr. Philippe Quinn.

Marc Vincent Warehouse

  • The Agropomme Club, presented by Ms. Marilyn Courchesne.
  • Storex Industries, presented par Mr. Chris Treville.

Oka Abbey

  • Guided visit of the Oka Abbey, cheese tasting and dinner.

Coeur de pomme Orchard

  • Apple Network and a group of experts, presented by Mr. Gérald Chouinard, researcher at the IRDA.
  • Double grafting, harvester and weather station, presented par Mr. Éric St-Denis.

Rochon et Frères Farm

  • SALSA handling Concept and staking, presented by Mr. Éric Rochon.

Thanks to Éric Rochon who organized the day in expert fashion, and to QAP employees and regional administrators who helped plan the day! Of course, an event such as this could not have been held without the generous contribution of our partners! We sincerely wish to thank them for having contributed to the success of the meeting.   Click here for photos of the event!