Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers hire new GM

August 16, 2017

The Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) would like to congratulate and welcome the new General Manager of Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers (OGVG), Mr. Joe Sbrocchi.

Mr. Sbrocchi joins OGVG with a number of years’ experience working within the greenhouse sector.

For 20 years, Mr. Sbrocchi worked in the retail produce industry, buying and selling produce. He spent 15 years working for Sobeys in a number of roles before leaving and working as a produce consultant.

Mr. Sbrocchi then accepted a position within Walmart Canada as the country manager for strategic sourcing and supply chain, where he put together the supply chain for fresh produce as it was developing across the country. Soon thereafter, he took on a similar role with Mastronardi Produce.

For eight years, Mr. Sbrocchi also served on the board of directors of the Canadian Produce Marketing Association and was Chair of the organization’s technology committee.

CHC looks forward to working with Mr. Sbrocchi to leverage the knowledge and experience of members and grower representatives across both organizations for the continued growth of the greenhouse sector.

About OGVG

OGVG is responsible for licensing all growers, packers and marketers of Ontario greenhouse tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. It currently has over 200 growers, representing nearly 2900 acres of high-tech hydroponic greenhouse production. CHC’s Greenhouse Committee and its Greenhouse Vegetable Working Group continue to work with OGVG on national priorities, research opportunities, and lobby efforts on issues such as carbon pricing policies, market access and international trade, crop protection, and labour.