Labour awareness section launched on website

August 1, 2018

CHC recently published a series of labour-focused web pages on its website, as part of a comprehensive public relations strategy focused on Canada’s international farm workers.

What information is included

The following content has been researched, cited and presented in plain language for all audiences:

  1. Facts and key messages: To dispel misconceptions around Canada’s temporary foreign worker programs (including SAWP) and international farm workers. Facts cover everything from housing to health insurance, and reference relevant sources.
  2. Meet some workers: To provide visually positive examples of workers and farmers, and act as a repository of collateral from the awareness campaign as it is produced (ex. memes, short video clips). This section will continue to grow as we develop new material.
  3. Campaign updates: To keep stakeholders up-to-date on the labour awareness campaign and video production. The page includes a link to subscribe to further campaign updates.

How to use this content

CHC is actively engaging in social media, commenting on blog posts, and responding to traditional news articles where authors use misleading or false statements. By reacting quickly and decisively to these posts and articles, we hope to limit the spread of misinformation before it snowballs. We quote directly from our Facts and key messages page to counter any negative statements we come across.

We encourage associations and growers across the country to do the same.

Another way to get involved is to follow CHC on Twitter (@CHC_CCH) and Facebook ( We are constantly monitoring for conversations about Canada’s temporary foreign worker programs and engaging where appropriate.

Please share

Please share our awareness campaign, including our Facts and key messages page, with your networks. Those who take to the internet to disparage farmers and the temporary foreign worker programs are relatively few, but their inflammatory messages entice others to share the misleading statements. These naysayers don’t stand a chance if Canada’s farming community comes together to correct them every time they bend the truth.

Although our content reflects a horticultural perspective, much of it is applicable to Canada’s agricultural industry at large. So, please share, and join us in speaking up!