Land Acknowledgement
Our Land Acknowledgement Statement
The Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC) acknowledges that we work on the traditional territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe Nation. We are grateful for the longstanding presence of the Anishinaabe people on these lands, and we recognize their cultural, historical, and ongoing connections to this territory. We also acknowledge the diverse Indigenous Peoples and Nations who have stewarded the lands where Canadian fruits and vegetables flourish. Their stewardship and care have sustained the lands, waters, and resources for countless generations.
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New video: What is the value of an international farm worker?
The newest video of our campaign in celebration of international farm workers looks at the greater economic impact of the programs on our communities. Former mayor of Leamington, John Patterson, tells the story in his own words. View video Facebook Twitter LinkedIn...
Canadian Greenhouse Vegetable Growers welcome federal research funds for greenhouse automation
On behalf of greenhouse vegetable growers across the country, the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) would like to thank the federal government for recognizing the significant growth potential of greenhouse farming and establishing a $5 million Automation Cluster...
New video – Emotional statement about temporary foreign workers
We recently released our latest video in our campaign to celebrate international farm workers and to raise awareness of their importance to our industry. About the video Philippe Quinn, a farmer from Quebec, talks about the Guatemalans who work for him − especially...
Mis sur pied du Conseil canadien de la santé des végétaux
La collaboration entre les gouvernements, l'industrie, le milieu universitaire et d'autres intervenants en santé des végétaux du Canada est essentielle pour protéger nos ressources contre les risques nouveaux et émergents, favoriser l'innovation et veiller à ce que...
Consultations dans le contexte d’un accord de libre-échange possible Canada-ANASE
Le 1er septembre 2018, le gouvernement a lancé une consultation publique de 45 jours sur la possibilité d’un ALE Canada-ANASE. Le principal objectif de la consultation est de recueillir les commentaires des divers partenaires, intervenants et particuliers canadiens...
Les relations commerciales continues du Canada avec le Royaume-Uni après le Brexit
Le 29 mars 2017, le Royaume-Uni (RU) a invoqué l’article 50 du Traité de Lisbonne et a informé le Conseil européen de son intention de se retirer de l’Union européenne le 30 mars 2019. Ce retrait de l’Union européenne (UE) est aussi appelé « Brexit ». Lorsque le...