Land Acknowledgement
Our Land Acknowledgement Statement
The Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC) acknowledges that we work on the traditional territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe Nation. We are grateful for the longstanding presence of the Anishinaabe people on these lands, and we recognize their cultural, historical, and ongoing connections to this territory. We also acknowledge the diverse Indigenous Peoples and Nations who have stewarded the lands where Canadian fruits and vegetables flourish. Their stewardship and care have sustained the lands, waters, and resources for countless generations.
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Genetic Testing for Problem Weeds
Story by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Vegetable growers often use herbicides to control weeds that affect production and cause yield losses. However, some weeds can develop resistance to herbicides. Not only does this impede weed management and cause yield losses,...
Produce industry hosts successful Fall Harvest advocacy event on Parliament Hill
Over November 5-7, industry leaders representing the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) and the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) met with over 50 Parliamentarians and their staff, including the Prime Minister, to discuss key issues currently affecting...
First video launched in Labour Awareness Campaign – please “like” and share
“Without international farm workers, there would be no Canadian fruit and vegetable production.” CHC’s Labour Awareness Campaign is a celebration of international farm workers in Canada. Most Canadians never think about how food gets onto our tables, or the critical...
Les relations commerciales continues du Canada avec le Royaume-Uni après le Brexit
Le 29 mars 2017, le Royaume-Uni (RU) a invoqué l’article 50 du Traité de Lisbonne et a informé le Conseil européen de son intention de se retirer de l’Union européenne le 30 mars 2019. Ce retrait de l’Union européenne (UE) est aussi appelé « Brexit ». Lorsque le...
Forum Canada-Chine sur le commerce agricole – Ottawa, le 12 septembre
Le ministre Han, du ministère chinois de l'Agriculture et des Affaires rurales, vient à Ottawa avec une délégation commerciale d'entreprises agricoles intéressées par l'approvisionnement en produits canadiens pour le marché chinois (voir la liste des entreprises - en...
Possibilité de nomination : Conseiller, Financement agricole Canada
Le 25 février 2016, le premier ministre a annoncé un nouveau processus pour les nominations effectuées par le gouverneur en conseil. Ce processus permet une sélection ouverte, transparente et fondée sur le mérite visant le choix de candidats hautement qualifiés qui...