Land Acknowledgement
Our Land Acknowledgement Statement
The Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC) acknowledges that we work on the traditional territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe Nation. We are grateful for the longstanding presence of the Anishinaabe people on these lands, and we recognize their cultural, historical, and ongoing connections to this territory. We also acknowledge the diverse Indigenous Peoples and Nations who have stewarded the lands where Canadian fruits and vegetables flourish. Their stewardship and care have sustained the lands, waters, and resources for countless generations.
Latest News
Explore our comprehensive News section to stay abreast of the latest developments in the fresh produce sector. Our News section is regularly updated with press releases, industry news, and important updates on our advocacy efforts, providing you with in-depth insights into issues that matter to our industry. Stay informed and up-to-date by regularly checking our News section.
CPMA and CHC Will Proceed with Virtual Fall Harvest Meetings in November
PRESS RELEASE CPMA and CHC Will Proceed with Virtual Fall Harvest Meetings in November September 10, 2020 (Ottawa, ON) - The Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) and Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) are delighted to announce that the 2020 Fall Harvest...
Joint Statement by Farming and Processing Associations
Arbitrary Fees Imposed by Large Grocery Retailers Will Cost Canadian Consumers and Impact Canada’s Food Security (Ottawa) August 6th, 2020 - The latest round of fees introduced by large grocery retailers on their suppliers has attracted coverage in the news media over...
COVID-19 information centre
Along with our industry partners we continue to work on next steps with the respective government departments, namely Agriculture and Agri-Food, Employment and Social Development, and Immigration to ensure that not only public health, but food security, food supply...
Nouvelle vidéo : Rétablissement des liens familiaux
We have just published the latest video in our Heartbeat international farm workers awareness campaign: "Rétablissement de liens familiaux" Au fil des ans, Valentine a fait preuve de leadership et a fait du Canada son pays. Il était fier de sa vie et...
Développer le secteur alimentaire à valeur ajoutée en tirant parti de son potentiel inexploité
Le Canada doit développer le secteur alimentaire à valeur ajoutée en améliorant la réglementation afin de favoriser l’expansion du commerce international des produits alimentaires transformés, en investissant dans l’innovation et en supprimant le nombre d’obstacles à...
Le Canada et les États-Unis proposent de reconnaître certains pays de l’Union européenne comme étant exempts du longicorne des agrumes et du longicorne asiatique.
En réponse à une requête de la Commission européenne, l’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments (ACIA) et l’Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) du département de l'Agriculture des États-Unis (USDA) proposent de reconnaître 22 états membres de...