Le point sur la réévaluation du captane

Le 29 juillet 2016, le Comité consultatif sur la phytoprotection du CCH a soumis une réponse dans le cadre du projet de décision de réévaluation du captane (PRVD2016-13) de l’Agence de réglementation de la lutte antiparasitaire (ARLA). Cette réponse s’appuie sur les...

Captan Re-evaluation Update

The CHC Crop Protection Advisory Committee submitted a response to the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) Proposed Re-evaluation Decision for Captan (PRVD2016-13) on July 29, 2016. This response was based on the results of grower surveys that were distributed...

Mid-Summer Apple Meeting and Tour

The CHC Mid-Summer Apple Meeting was held on July 26 & 27, 2016 in Moncton, NB.  The event was hosted by the Apple Growers of NB. The industry meeting and orchard tour were well attended by apple growers and industry representatives from across the country. The...

Le CCH présente sa nouvelle directrice générale

Le conseil d’administration du Conseil canadien de l’horticulture a le plaisir d’annoncer que Rebecca Lee a accepté d’occuper le poste de directrice générale au sein de l’organisation. Rebecca cumule plusieurs années d’expérience dans l’industrie. Elle détient un...

CHC Appoints New Executive Director

The Board of Directors of the Canadian Horticultural Council is pleased to announce that Rebecca Lee has accepted the position of Executive Director. Rebecca has significant experience in the industry.  Rebecca obtained her Bachelor in Science/Agriculture from McGill...

CHC Summer Tour visits BC’s Lower Mainland

On July 7, CHC held its annual Summer Tour in British Columbia’s Lower Mainland.  The day long tour brought together industry leaders, growers and Members of Parliament to explore and learn about various aspects of Canada’s horticulture industry. The tour’s first stop...