Actualités des PFLC

Tenez-vous au courant de l'actualité des PFLC, qui sème les graines du changement dans l'industrie des produits frais.

CHC Statement on Potato Wart

November 23, 2021 - Potato Wart (PW), a regulated quarantine pest, has been detected since 2000 in fields in Prince Edward Island (PEI). New detections in two commercial potato fields that were already under regulation due to association with earlier investigations...

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Establishment of a Grocer Code of Conduct in Canada

July 20, 2021 -  Following last week's Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) meeting of Canada's Ministers of Agriculture, the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) expresses its support for the establishment of a Grocer Code of Conduct in Canada, which aims to bring...

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We need your help on an urgent matter!

Dear CHC Members, Over the past several years, we have been working with industry partners to establish a "deemed trust," which means financial protection for fresh produce growers and sellers at a federal level. Some of you may know of this as PACA (Perishable...

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Centre d’information COVID-19

Le CCH et ses partenaires de l'industrie travaillent sur les prochaines étapes avec les ministères respectifs, à savoir Agriculture et Agroalimentaire, Emploi et Développement social, et Immigration, afin de s'assurer que non seulement la santé publique, mais aussi la...

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