Actualités des PFLC

Tenez-vous au courant de l'actualité des PFLC, qui sème les graines du changement dans l'industrie des produits frais.

Meet the International Workers: Moses & Margarito

Moses and Margarito are two brothers who now work together on the same farm. However, this hasn't always been possible. You see, Margarito cannot speak or hear. On a farm where teamwork and communication are so important, such a disability could be a show-stopper....

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UofG internship pilot program seeks agri-food employers

Are you an employer in the Food and Agriculture sector? Become an industry partner with the University of Guelph! The Flexible Internship Program is an innovative pilot program, which is comprised of an upper-year university credit course designed to teach job...

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Prime Minister appoints new CFIA President

Dr. Siddika Mithani has been appointed President of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, effective February 27, 2019. CHC works closely with the CFIA on a number of issues, including the Canadian Plant Health Council, the Plant Health Network, food safety (including...

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New video: An essential workforce

We have just published our eighth video in our awareness campaign in celebration of international farm workers. View video Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Video description An apple grower from B.C. talks about how important his workers are to him. He has developed...

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Meet the International Workers: Felix Guzman Acosta

For Felix, being an international farm worker in Canada has been a life-changing experience for his entire family. He’s been coming to Canada to work for 28 years; the last 14 years have been in Leamington, Ontario. “I’ve worked with a lot of different crops, people...

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New video: Women as valuable team members

We have just published our seventh video in our awareness campaign in celebration of international farm workers. View video Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Video description These women are incredible. The sacrifices they make – travelling away from their families...

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Nouvelle vidéo : Amis

Nous venons de publier notre sixième vidéo dans notre campagne de sensibilisation à la main-d’œuvre. Visionner la vidéo Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Description de la vidéo Nos travailleurs agricoles internationaux sont peut-être loin de leurs foyers, mais ils...

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CanadaGAP tient son assemblée générale annuelle de 2018

L'assemblée générale annuelle de CanAgPlus, la société sans but lucratif qui appartient et exploite le programme CanadaGAP®, a eu lieu le jeudi, 6 décembre 2018, à Ottawa. Les participants au programme CanadaGAP ont élu deux nouveaux administrateurs et deux anciens...

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Magazine Idées fraîches

Magazine Idées fraîches

The Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC) publishes a free semi-annual bilingual print magazine featuring high-level industry perspectives and useful tips for growers. 

Fresh Thinking Magazine

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