by Ashley Peyrard | Mar 21, 2019 | Actualités
The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) Committee on Organic Agriculture, or “Technical Committee” (TC) met in Ottawa, March 19-21, 2019 as part of its regular 5-year, cyclical review of the Canadian Organic Standards (COS). CHC continues to participate in several...
by Ashley Peyrard | Mar 21, 2019 | Actualités
CHC’s Crop Protection Manager, Caleigh Hallink-Irwin attended the 2019 Minor Use Workshops in Gatineau, QC on March 19-21. Participants attended from across Canada, as well as from Brazil, Australia, and the United States. The Pest Management Centre debuted its pilot...
by Ashley Peyrard | Mar 20, 2019 | Actualités
CHC held its 2019 Annual General Meeting from March 5 to 7th at the Westin Nova Scotian in Halifax. Our 2019 AGM theme was Growing Our Competitiveness. Roughly 180 delegates and observers joined in Halifax to discuss policy issues and to hear presentations from a...
by Ashley Peyrard | Mar 20, 2019 | Actualités
On March 20th, CHC showcased a new documentary to honour international farm workers at a premier held at the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum’s Learning Centre in Ottawa. The screening of ‘Heartbeat – A Celebration of International Farm Workers’, was attended by...
by Ashley Peyrard | Mar 19, 2019 | Actualités
The 2019 federal budget was tabled in the House of Commons on Tuesday, March 19th. CHC is pleased to see that many of our recommendations were included and applauds the government for a number of proposed measures that will help drive the growth of the horticulture...
by Ashley Peyrard | Mar 15, 2019 | Labour campaign, Actualités
Lester is a long-time international farm worker, in fact he’s been coming to Canada for more than 18 years. He originally hails from Arriaga, Chiapas, in southern Mexico. “I am very happy to be working here,” he says. “It has been good for me and more...