by Ashley Peyrard | Juil 17, 2019 | Actualités
The Standing Committee on Finance has launched its Pre-Budget Consultations in advance of the 2020 budget. Written submissions of no more than 2,000 words, based on the following template, can be submitted to the Committee until Friday, August 2, 2019,...
by Ashley Peyrard | Juil 17, 2019 | Actualités
CFIA has released a new pest fact sheet on tomato brown rugose fruit virus. If you think you have found tomato brown rugose fruit virus, or if you have questions about the virus, contact your local CFIA office. Learn more: Tomato brown rugose fruit...
by Ashley Peyrard | Juil 17, 2019 | Actualités
As of June 17th, 2019, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Tsawwassen Container Examination Facility (TCEF) is now open. Historically, the most vital marine port in all of Canada is the Vancouver port, accounting for 57% of the marine containers...
by Ashley Peyrard | Juil 17, 2019 | Actualités
On June 25, Food & Consumer Products of Canada (FCPC) became the first national trade association to endorse the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s vision for a New Plastics Economy, moving Canada toward a future of zero plastic waste. The New Plastics Economy is led by...
by Ashley Peyrard | Juil 17, 2019 | Actualités
The Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC)’s Board of Directors recently hosted their annual summer tour, this year visiting the Toronto and Niagara region of Ontario. The tour group was a cross section of industry and representatives from the Canadian Federation of...
by Ashley Peyrard | Juil 9, 2019 | Labour campaign, Actualités
We have just published the latest video in our Heartbeat international farm workers awareness campaign: “For my son.” Meet Kevin: His son has sickle cell anemia which requires costly medication monthly and travel to far towns to receive the...