Canadian Potato Council Launches Potato Research Cluster Knowledge Transfer Website

décembre 1, 2020

The Research Working Group of the Canadian Potato Council (CPC) recently announced the launch of a new bilingual website to inform Canadian potato producers on the research that is underway in the La Grappe agro-scientifique canadienne pour l’horticulture 3, as well as sharing the latest updates on research progress from each of the project leads.

On this website, each of the eight Cluster research activities is introduced.  Each activity page includes early outcomes of cluster project research, key messages for growers, and links to periodic research updates as well as additional extension materials relating to each activity.  The eight research activities included in CHC’s Cluster 3 include:

  • Générer et évaluer des outils intégrés de lutte antiparasitaire pour lutter contre le ver fil de fer chez les pommes de terre au Canada
  • Réseau canadien sur la mort précoce de la pomme de terre (CanPEDNet)
  • Potato Variety Evaluation
  • Late Blight: Tracking Pathogen Strains and their Characteristics
  • Élaboration de stratégies régionales de gestion et d'outils d'aide à la décision pour lutter contre le doryphore
  • Increasing Profitability of Canadian Potato Producers by Controlling Common Scab
  • Investigating the Occurrence and Distribution of Potato Tuber Necrosis-Inducing Viruses in Canada
  • Mise en valeur de l'industrie canadienne de la pomme de terre grâce à l'agriculture intelligente

Visit the bilingual website: