CHC greenhouse representatives discuss national carbon pricing with key advisors to Minister of the Environment

janvier 25, 2017

The Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) recently met with key policy advisors to the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Canada to discuss important issues relating to Canada’s new carbon pricing policy.

CHC informed Environment Canada that the new national carbon pricing policy places Canada’s greenhouse sector at serious risk. The greenhouse vegetable sector depends on the input of CO2to grow its crops. A tax on this input makes producers less competitive, reduces investment in the industry, and limits growth in Canada. To mitigate the harm, CHC recommended that Canada harmonizes its carbon pricing requirements with NAFTA, and that financial support be provided to greenhouse growers until such harmonization can be achieved.

The Minister’s key advisors reiterated to CHC that implementation of the policy has been delegated to the provinces, but that further work is being done to determine how such implementation might impact industry competitiveness.

Feedback from the meeting was positive, as all parties are open to more dialogue. CHC and its Greenhouse Committee will continue to advocate for members on these issues and to push for appropriate solutions.