Government releases findings from Next Policy Framework consultations

Décembre 20, 2016

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has released a report summarizing stakeholder feedback on its next agricultural policy framework.

CHC participated in the consultations and is pleased that its advocacy efforts contributed to many of the report’s key findings:

AgriInnovation, AgriMarketing, AgriCompetitiveness: The report notes that many stakeholders would prefer a 25% industry to 75% AAFC cost-sharing ratio.

AgriInsurance: The report notes that some stakeholders would like to see expanded commodity coverage for small and emerging products.

AgriInvest: The report notes that a number of stakeholders would prefer an increase to the current 1% allowable net sales.

AgriStability: The report notes that many stakeholders would like the AgriStability trigger restored to 85% of the producer’s reference margin, up from the 70% level under Growing Forward 2.

AgriRecovery: The report notes that stakeholders want measures available in the program to be more clearly defined, and to better understand when payments would be triggered under the program.

More information

Read the What We Heard Report online or download the PDF.