Land Acknowledgement
Our Land Acknowledgement Statement
The Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC) acknowledges that we work on the traditional territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe Nation. We are grateful for the longstanding presence of the Anishinaabe people on these lands, and we recognize their cultural, historical, and ongoing connections to this territory. We also acknowledge the diverse Indigenous Peoples and Nations who have stewarded the lands where Canadian fruits and vegetables flourish. Their stewardship and care have sustained the lands, waters, and resources for countless generations.
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CHC attends AAFC National Engagement Session for the Next Policy Framework
On June 9, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada hosted a national engagement session for organizations and associations representing growers and farmers affected by the Next Policy Framework to be launched in 2018. The day-long session offered participants an opportunity...
Minor Use Pesticides Program Updates
Please note updates to the Minor Use Pesticides Program Project Status by Crop, Submissions and Registrations reports generated on June 2, 2016 The Pesticide Risk Reduction Program’s Biopesticide Project Status by Crop report from June 6, 2016. Project Status by Crop...
Seasonal Agriculture Worker Program Fact Sheet: 10 Myths vs Reality
The Canadian Horticultural Council’s Labour Committee Executive has released a fact sheet to address some of the myths and misconceptions about the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP). The fact sheet, 10 Myths vs Reality, can be used by growers and member...
Nouvelle norme en matière de biosécurité pour l’industrie des serres, des pépinières et des floricultures
Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments (ACIA) En collaboration avec Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada (AAC) et des organisations sectorielles, comme le Conseil canadien de l’horticulture (CCH), l’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments (ACIA) a élaboré...
Plan de travail de consultation du CCH et du CCP – 2016
1. PRVD2016-02 Methomyl Publication: 31 mars 2016 Date d’échéance de l’ARLA: 29 juin 2016 Titulaire du produit technique: EI DuPont Canada Company 2. REV2016-06 Chlorothalonil Publication: 11 février 2016 Date d’échéance de l’ARLA: Reportée au 10 juin 2016 Titulaire...
Projet de décision de réévaluation concernant le chlorothalonil
Consultation sur le chlorothalonil, modification du projet de décision de réévaluation – Note de réévaluation REV2016-06 de l’ARLA L’Agence de réglementation de la lutte antiparasitaire (ARLA) de Santé Canada a modifié le projet de décision de réévaluation concernant...