Land Acknowledgement
Our Land Acknowledgement Statement
The Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC) acknowledges that we work on the traditional territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe Nation. We are grateful for the longstanding presence of the Anishinaabe people on these lands, and we recognize their cultural, historical, and ongoing connections to this territory. We also acknowledge the diverse Indigenous Peoples and Nations who have stewarded the lands where Canadian fruits and vegetables flourish. Their stewardship and care have sustained the lands, waters, and resources for countless generations.
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CHC represents employers at annual SAWP review in Barbados
The Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) was recently in Barbados for the 2017 Annual Review Meeting of the Canadian/Caribbean Seasonal Agricultural Workers' Programme (SAWP). According to Murray Porteous, Chair of CHC’s Labour Committee, it was the “most congenial...
Government announces Canadian Agricultural Partnership priorities
Canada’s Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Lawrence MacAulay, recently announced the priorities of the $1 billion federal investment under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, which is set to launch on April 1, 2018. According to the announcement, the...
CHC participates in NAFTA Technical Working Group on Pesticides
CHC recently participated in a meeting of the NAFTA Technical Working Group on Pesticides, which took place in Guanajuato, Mexico. During two days of intensive meetings, delegates from the three NAFTA countries, Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, discussed priority issues:...
Le CCH accueille dans ses rangs l’Association canadienne du cartonnage ondulé et du carton-caisse
Le Conseil canadien de l’horticulture (CCH) est heureux d’accueillir son plus récent membre : l’Association canadienne du cartonnage ondulé et du carton-caisse (ACCC). Selon Allen Kirkpatrick, le directeur général de l’association, « l’industrie du cartonnage ondulé...
L’ACIA lance de nouveaux projets fondés sur l’ADN pour stimuler le commerce des plantes fruitières
Le 15 août, Lawrence MacAulay a annoncé que l’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments (ACIA) dirigera deux projets d’une valeur de 500 000 $ qui feront appel à de nouvelles technologies de l’ADN pour réduire les périodes d’essai en quarantaine, afin de protéger...
L’organisation Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers embauche un nouveau DG
Le Conseil canadien de l'horticulture (CCH) aimerait féliciter et accueillir le nouveau directeur général de l’Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers (OGVG), M. Joe Sbrocchi. M. Sbrocchi se joint à l’OGVG avec une expérience de plusieurs années dans le secteur des...