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Proposed Re-evaluation Decision for chlorothalonil
PMRA Re-evaluation Note, REV2016-06, Chlorothalonil, Amendment to the Proposed Re-evaluation Decision Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has amended its Proposed Re-evaluation Decision for chlorothalonil PRVD2011-14 based on revised occupational...
RPCs A letter to produce suppliers from Loblaw
Dear Valued Produce Suppliers shipping to Loblaw in RPC’s Amended and effective April 23, 2015 This only applies to products that have been converted to RPC’s. Attached please find print specifications for Loblaws new 4”x2” RPC label format. This new format has been...
CHC Trophy awarded at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
This year’s winner of the CHC Trophy awarded at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is Verger Francois et Luc Turcotte from La Côte-de-Beaupré et l’Île d’Orléans, Québec. The Royal Winter Fair National Apple Competition was resurrected in 2008 after a 44-year absence. ...