Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Statement

Our Statement

The Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada is committed to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of our work. We strive to create a welcoming and respectful environment that values the contributions of all individuals, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, ability, or other aspects of identity. We are committed to continuous learning and improvement to ensure that our organization and the industry we represent are inclusive and accessible to all.

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New Video: More than a Partnership

We have just published the "More than than a Partnership" video in our awareness campaign in celebration of international farm workers. When you have workers returning year after year, the partnerships reach beyond just the day to day operations of the farm. It should...

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Meet the International Workers: Felena Pereira

Felena’s a single mom from Trinidad and Tobago, with a son and daughter aged 13 and 10. Back home, she lives with her mom, with her siblings close by. Everyone depends on her and the salary she makes as an international farm worker. She calls it her “bread and...

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Examen des normes canadiennes biologiques en 2020

Le Comité sur l’agriculture biologique de l’Office des normes générales du Canada (ONGC), ou le « comité technique » (TC), s’est réuni à Ottawa les 19 au 21 mars 2019 dans le cadre du cycle de révision quinquennal des Normes canadiennes biologiques (COS). Le CCH...

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