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CPMA and CHC Host Successful Virtual Fall Harvest Event with Parliamentarians and Industry Stakeholders
PRESS RELEASE November 6, 2020 (Ottawa, ON), — From November 2-5, the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) and the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) hosted virtual meetings with industry representatives and Parliamentarians to discuss the needs and...
CPMA and CHC Will Proceed with Virtual Fall Harvest Meetings in November
PRESS RELEASE CPMA and CHC Will Proceed with Virtual Fall Harvest Meetings in November September 10, 2020 (Ottawa, ON) - The Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) and Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) are delighted to announce that the 2020 Fall Harvest...
Joint Statement by Farming and Processing Associations
Arbitrary Fees Imposed by Large Grocery Retailers Will Cost Canadian Consumers and Impact Canada’s Food Security (Ottawa) August 6th, 2020 - The latest round of fees introduced by large grocery retailers on their suppliers has attracted coverage in the news media over...