Crop Profiles

Crop profiles are documents that provide crop production and pest management information by commodity, across Canada.
Sustainable Farming

They identify gaps in pest management and issues faced by Canadian growers and are a source of current pest management information for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), provinces, industry, growers and grower organizations.

Crop profiles are developed through an extensive consultative process and are reviewed by industry and provincial specialists prior to publication.

The Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC) works closely with AAFC’s Pest Management Centre on the review and updating of the profiles. Growers are encouraged to consult provincial crop production guides for detailed information on pest management in their regions.

The Crop Profiles from the Pesticide Risk Reduction Program are accessible for download from the Government of Canada. 

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