About FVGC

We are the voice of Canadian fruit and vegetable growers.

Our Mission

To be the voice of Canadian fruit and vegetable growers.

Our Vision

An innovative and sustainable Canadian fruit and vegetable industry.

What We Do

The Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC) represents growers across the country involved in the production of over 120 different types of crops on over 14,000 farms, with a farm gate value of $5.9 billion in 2021. FVGC is an Ottawa-based voluntary, not-for-profit, national association, and, since 1922, has advocated on important issues that impact Canada’s fresh produce sector, promoting healthy, safe, and sustainable food, ensuring the continued success and growth of the industry.

About FVGC

About Membership

About Membership

Our Membership

FVGC takes pride in its diverse and robust membership base. Our members include provincial grower associations across Canada, representing the full spectrum of the fruit and vegetable industry. These associations bring with them thousands of passionate growers dedicated to nurturing the land and providing the finest produce for the Canadian table.

Learn More About Members

As a Member of the Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC), you’ll enjoy a wealth of benefits designed to support your growth and success in the fresh produce industry:

  • Amplified Voice: Direct representation on key industry committees, ensuring your interests are effectively championed.
  • Policy Impact: Participate in our Annual General Meeting, where you can contribute to national policy objectives and set the direction for advocacy priorities.
  • Insider Information: Exclusive regular updates on important developments within the industry, delivered through our Member Notes and On Your Behalf briefings.
  • Timely Updates: Stay ahead with HortShorts, our bi-monthly newsletter, filled with timely news and relevant industry insights.
  • Direct Engagement: Participate in lobby events throughout the year, meeting directly with policymakers and government representatives, ensuring your voice is heard.
  • Leadership Opportunities: Be part of the decision-making process by participating on our industry Working Groups and the FVGC Board of Directors, guiding policy and directing advocacy work.
  • Strategic Advantages: Benefit from our ongoing federal government relations efforts aimed at modernizing and streamlining the fresh produce industry.
  • Exclusive Insurance: Access to customized group life, health, and disability insurance through HortProtect, designed specifically for our industry.

All these benefits culminate in an empowered, thriving business within a strong and sustainable fresh produce sector. Join FVGC today and experience the difference.


Our Associates

These are businesses and stakeholder organizations that work hand-in-hand with growers and our member associations. They play a vital role in the industry, providing critical services and support that enable the success of individual growers. Our associates range from suppliers of farming equipment and technologies to transport and logistics companies, makers of crop protection products, food manufacturers and other key partners.

Learn More About Associates

As an Associate of the Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC), you’ll enjoy benefits crafted specifically for businesses associated with the fresh produce industry:

  • Exclusive Updates: Gain insights into the industry with our regular Member Notes and On Your Behalf briefings.
  • Informed Decisions: Access up-to-date industry news with our bi-monthly newsletter, HortShorts.
  • Broaden Your Network: Connect with industry and government representatives from across the country at our Annual General Meeting.
  • Brand Visibility: Harness unique sponsorship opportunities to enhance your brand’s presence within the industry.
  • Policy Insights: Understand national policy objectives and advocacy priorities that shape the fresh produce industry.
  • Fostering Partnerships: Create invaluable connections with businesses and growers in the industry.
  • Promote Your Brand: Take advantage of an exclusive opportunity to feature your brand in our “Associate Spotlight” section of HortShorts – a free advertising platform that significantly enhances your visibility within the industry.

Embrace these benefits to strengthen your role within the fresh produce sector, partake in the industry discourse, and cultivate valuable connections. Become an Associate Member of the FVGC today and be part of the change.

Our History

The Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada began as the voice of Canadian growers in 1922, as the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC). Growers came together in 1922 with a unified mission of advancing “…all matters tending toward the improvement of the horticultural industry in Canada.”

In 2022 we celebrated 100 years as a strong voice for Canadian fruit and vegetable growers. To reflect the reality of being that voice and the industry which we serve, we changed our name to the Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC).

In the intervening years, we have advocated for growers on issues ranging from labour to industry standards, to crop protection. We have formed partnerships with a variety of organizations in the fruit and vegetable industry, ensuring that we can represent our members in the best way possible.

The Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) is formed

April 21, 1922

The first Secretary of the organization is Les Burrows, and he becomes a long-standing force for advancing the fruit and vegetable sector in Canada.

Eastern Canada Fruit and Vegetable Jobbers (now known as the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA)) is established.

November 10, 1925

Our two organizations have had a longstanding relationship together, sharing office space for over 80 years. Les Burrows was the Secretary of both organizations until 1967.

CHC (now FVGC) leads the Canadian Potato Industry Conferences

March 4, 1957

These conferences greatly influenced potato production patterns and grower attitudes until 1971.

Les Burrows Retires

October 2, 1967

Les Burrows retires after leading CHC for 45 years and John King takes over as the Secretary of the CHC.

CHC celebrates our 50th anniversary

July 28, 1972

CHC celebrates our 50th anniversary, marking the occasion with the publication of “The Canadian Horticultural Council: 50 Years of Integrity, Leadership and Liaison. 50 individuals with a long history of dedication to the fruit and vegetable industry are presented with the Award of Merit at the 1977 AGM.

FARMS is officially established

May 4, 1987

CHC was integral to getting FARMS established and working with the Government to understand the importance of reliable labour for the fruit and vegetable sector.

Development and implementation of an on-farm food safety program

March 31, 1999

CHC Board of Directors and Membership decide at the 1999 Annual General Meeting to pursue the development and implementation of an on-farm food safety program.

CHC begins work on the On-Farm Food Safety (OFFS) Guidelines

May 16, 2000

CHC begins work on the On-Farm Food Safety (OFFS) Guidelines, answering the call of our members from the previous year’s AGM to show diligence in food safety practices.

The Fruit and Vegetable Dispute Resolution Corporation (DRC) is established

July 4, 2000

CHC led the establishment of this new body and ensured that growers had access to a dispute resolution mechanism. The Executive Director of the CHC at the time, Stephen Whitney, left CHC to lead the DRC and get the new organization off the ground.

First female president

October 26, 2001

CHC elects our first female President, Penny Gambell.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada established the Pest Management Centre

February 12, 2003

After years of work and advocacy by the CHC. Shirley Archambault, moved from CHC to work at the PMC and help establish the new organization.

CHC launches the CanadaGAP®

June 26, 2008

CHC launches the CanadaGAP® certification program.

CHC is awarded funding by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

November 30, 2009

CHC is awarded funding by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to establish the Canadian AgriScience Cluster for Horticulture, a program that has helped fund over $34 million in horticultural research to date.

CanadaGAP certification

May 25, 2010

Our CanadaGAP certification is the first Canadian food safety program to be formally recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) for certification options B and C. Examination of the possibility of merging the CanadaGAP and the CPMA Repacking and Wholesale Food Safety Program (RWFSP) into a single integrated standard and an independent not-for-profit entity is commenced.

We host our first Fall Harvest event

April 19, 2011

We host our first Fall Harvest event, a joint advocacy event with CPMA, that brings growers and government officials together to ensure that government understands the fruit and vegetable sector from the perspective of the people that grow our food.

CanadaGAP becomes an independent program

December 5, 2012

CanadaGAP becomes an independent program, managed by the not-for-profit corporation, CanAgPlus.

CHC launches the Doug Connery Award

December 11, 2012

CHC launches the Doug Connery Award, in honour of the late Doug Connery, a Past President and driving force behind CHC who suffered an untimely passing in 2011. This honour has been given to 13 members of the industry and is still awarded annually at our AGM.

CHC launches Next Gen: Growing into the Future

January 3, 2020

This program aims to ensure the sustainability of FVGC and advocacy leadership in the fruit and vegetable sector, by mentoring young growers to take on leadership positions.

CHC celebrates a century

July 18, 2022

CHC celebrates a century as the voice of the Canadian fruit and vegetable sector and rebrands as the Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC), poised to build on 100 years of feeding Canada and the world.

A History of Leadership

Executive Directors

2024-Present Massimo Bergamini
2016-2023 Rebecca Lee
1999-2016 Anne Fowlie
1983-1999 Dan Demptster
1968-1969 John King
1922-1968 Les Burrows



2024 – Present Marcus Janzen British Columbia
2020-2024 Jan VanderHout Ontario
2018-2020 Brian Gilroy Ontario
2017-2018 Alvin Keenan Atlantic
2013-2017 Keith Kuhl Prairies
2012 Murray Porteous Ontario
2011 Jack Bates British Columbia
More Presidents

2010 – Andy Vermeulen (Nova Scotia – Atlantic)
2009 – Steve Levasseur (Quebec)
2008 – Larry Buba (Alberta – Prairies)
2007 – Ken Porteous (Ontario)
2006 – Marcus Janzen (British Columbia)
2005 – Robert MacDonald (Prince Edward Island – Atlantic)
2004 – André Turenne (Quebec)
2003 – Doug Connery (Manitoba – Prairies)
2002 – Ken Forth (Ontario)
2001 – Penny Gambell (British Columbia)
2000 – Don Keenan (New Brunswick – Atlantic)
1999 – Robert Allard (Quebec)
1998 – Dave Jeffries (Manitoba – Prairies)
1997 – Jeff Wilson (Ontario)
1996 – David Hobson (British Columbia)
1995 – R. Elmer MacDonald (Prince Edward Island – Atlantic)
1994 – Jean-Claude Tessier (Quebec)
1993 – Hector Delanghe (Ontario)
1992 – Greg Gowryluk (Manitoba – Prairies)
1991 – James Harris (British Columbia)
1990 – Jean-Yves Lohé (Quebec)
1989 – Gerry Long (Ontario)
1988 – Laurie Hennigar (Nova Scotia – Atlantic)
1987 – John Kuhl (Manitoba – Prairies)
1986 – Richard Bullock (British Columbia)
1985 – Michel Legault (Quebec)
1984 – Tony Csinos (Ontario)
1983 – John MacDonald (Prince Edward Island – Atlantic)
1982 – Bill Visser (Alberta – Prairies)
1981 – Arnold Pedersen (British Columbia)
1980 – Keith Collver (Ontario)
1979 – Pierre Van Winden (Quebec)
1978 – Jim Gallant (New Brunswick – Atlantic)
1977 – Ed Connery (Manitoba – Prairies)
1976 – Nigel Taylor (British Columbia)
1975 – Ron Moyer (Ontario)
1974 – Ebbis Peill (Nova Scotia – Atlantic)
1973 – Gilles Tessier (Quebec)
1972 – Larry Jorgenson (Alberta – Prairies)
1971 – Don Wright (Ontario)
1970 – Allan Claridge (British Columbia)
1969 – Yves Bolduc (Quebec)
1968 – H.N. Cohoon (Nova Scotia – Atlantic)
1967 – Walter Kroeker (Manitoba – Prairies)
1966 – John Brown (Ontario)
1965 – R.L. Burge (Prince Edward Island – Atlantic)
1964 – R.P. Walrod (British Columbia)
1963 – Gérald Beaudin (Quebec)
1962 – John E. Reynolds (Ontario)
1961 – A.E. Calkin (Nova Scotia – Atlantic)
1960 – H.C. Greenlaw (New Brunswick – Atlantic)
1959 – A.R. Garrish (British Columbia)
1958 – W. Daman (Manitoba – Prairies)
1957 – M.M. Robinson (Ontario)
1956 – Marc H. Hudon (Quebec)
1955 – T.L. Meek (Nova Scotia – Atlantic)
1954 – W. R. Shaw (Prince Edward Island – Atlantic)
1953 – T. Wilkinson (British Columbia)
1952 – B. M. Wallace (Ontario)
1951 – B. M. Wallace (Ontario)
1950 – Roswell Thomson (Quebec)
1949 – R. J. Leslie (Nova Scotia – Atlantic)
1948 – F. L. Fitzpatrick (British Columbia)
1947 – H. L. Craise (Ontario)
1946 – J. W. Boulter (Prince Edward Island – Atlantic)
1945 – J. W. Boulter (Prince Edward Island – Atlantic)
1944 – R. D. Sutton (Nova Scotia – Atlantic)
1943 – R. E. Godbout (Quebec)
1942 – A. K. Loyd (British Columbia)
1941 – A. K. Loyd (British Columbia)
1940 – G. H. Mitchell (Ontario)
1939 – M. V. McGuire (British Columbia)
1938 – W. G. Oulton (Nova Scotia – Atlantic)
1937 – F. A. Lewis (British Columbia)
1936 – E. J. Atkin (Ontario)
1935 – W. J. Tawse (Quebec)
1934 – H. E. Kendall (Nova Scotia – Atlantic)
1933 – R. H. Macdonald (British Columbia)
1932 – W. J. Cooke (Ontario)
1931 – Thos. Abriel (British Columbia)
1930 – Chas. Craig (Ontario)
1929 – Paul Fisher (Ontario)
1928 – J. H. Lavoie (Quebec)
1927 – J. T. Mutrie (British Columbia)
1926 – E. B. Luke (Quebec)
1925 – E. B. Luke (Quebec)
1924 – L. H. Taylor (British Columbia)
1923 – F. W. Bishop (Nova Scotia – Atlantic)
1922 – Col. H. L. Roberts (Ontario)