Dernières actualités
Plongez dans notre section "Actualités" pour vous tenir au courant des dernières nouveautés dans le secteur des produits frais. Vous y trouverez des communiqués de presse et des mises à jour importantes sur nos efforts de sensibilisation, vous permettant ainsi de rester informé sur les questions importantes pour notre secteur.
PMC: Updated Greenhouse Crop Profiles available
Updated national profiles for three greenhouse vegetable crops are now available. They can be accessed from the Government of Canada Publications web site via the links below, or can be requested through the Pest Management Centre’s Crop Profile web page. Cucumber...
Update on Consultation Responses to PMRA Proposed Re-evaluation Decisions
The CHC Crop Protection Advisory Committee (CPAC) continues to respond to the PMRA proposed re-evaluation decisions that have significant impact on fresh fruit and vegetable producers. The PMRA decisions propose either the discontinuation of all uses or severe...
Temporary Foreign Worker Program, Agriculture Stream Fact Sheet: 10 Myths vs Reality
The Canadian Horticultural Council’s Labour Committee Executive has released a fact sheet to address some of the myths and misconceptions about the Temporary Foreign Worker Program Agricultural Stream. The fact sheet, 10 Myths vs Reality, can be used by growers and...