Dernières actualités

Plongez dans notre section "Actualités" pour vous tenir au courant des dernières nouveautés dans le secteur des produits frais. Vous y trouverez des communiqués de presse et des mises à jour importantes sur nos efforts de sensibilisation, vous permettant ainsi de rester informé sur les questions importantes pour notre secteur.

Awards presented at CHC 2018 AGM Banquet

A changing of the guard was a central theme at the recent Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) annual general meeting. Held in Ottawa from March 13-15, the meeting attracted 150 delegates to review and debate policy – and to honour those for outstanding service to...

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Update – NAFTA Round 7 – Mexico City

CHC was on the ground in Mexico City for the agricultural portion of Round 7, from February 24-27. NAFTA Highlights Negotiators closed the sanitary and phytosanitary chapter, good regulatory practices chapter, and publication and administration chapter, as well as the...

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