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Explore our comprehensive News section to stay abreast of the latest developments in the fresh produce sector. Our News section is regularly updated with press releases, industry news, and important updates on our advocacy efforts, providing you with in-depth insights into issues that matter to our industry. Stay informed and up-to-date by regularly checking our News section.
2020 AGM Recap
The Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) held its 2020 Annual General Meeting from March 10 to 12 at the Westin Ottawa. Our 2020 AGM theme was Healthy Plants, Healthy People. More than 150 delegates and observers came together in Ottawa to discuss policy issues and to hear presentations from government and industry representatives.
CHC and CPMA meet on Parliament Hill to advocate on behalf of Canada’s fresh produce sector
This Tuesday, February 25, marked the latest annual Farm to Plate event hosted by both the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) and the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA). Together, CPMA and CHC were on the hill to represent the produce sector from the farm...
Supporting effective policy change for the advancement of our sector!
Following the 2019 federal election, the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) and Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) are preparing for two key events that will bring industry to Ottawa to meet with Parliamentarians.
Les Fabricants d’Aliments, de Boissons et de Biens de Grande Consommation du Canada Appuient la Vision de L’atteinte de Zéro Déchet de Plastique
Le 25 juin, Les Produits alimentaires et de consommation du Canada (PACC) sont devenus la première association commerciale nationale à appuyer la vision de la Fondation Ellen MacArthur pour une nouvelle économie des plastiques, faisant ainsi cheminer le Canada vers un...
Conseil d’administration du CCH 2019 Tournée estivale
Le conseil d’administration du Conseil canadien de l’horticulture (CCH) a organisé récemment sa tournée estivale annuelle, visitant cette année les régions de Toronto et de Niagara en Ontario. La tournée de groupe était un échantillon représentatif de l’industrie et...
Nouvelle vidéo : Pour mon fils
We have just published the latest video in our Heartbeat international farm workers awareness campaign: "Pour mon fils." Rencontrez Kevin: Son fils souffre d'une anémie falciforme qui nécessite des médicaments coûteux par mois et des voyage vers les...