Dernières actualités
Plongez dans notre section "Actualités" pour vous tenir au courant des dernières nouveautés dans le secteur des produits frais. Vous y trouverez des communiqués de presse et des mises à jour importantes sur nos efforts de sensibilisation, vous permettant ainsi de rester informé sur les questions importantes pour notre secteur.
Agri-Science Cluster for Horticulture 2 – Year 3 Reports to Industry on CHC Website
The third year of research for the Agri-Science Cluster for Horticulture 2 (Cluster 2) wrapped up on March 31, 2016, with many activities seeing positive progress and some early results. Researchers have prepared updates on their activities’ progress and we have now...
CHC attends AAFC National Engagement Session for the Next Policy Framework
On June 9, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada hosted a national engagement session for organizations and associations representing growers and farmers affected by the Next Policy Framework to be launched in 2018. The day-long session offered participants an opportunity...
Minor Use Pesticides Program Updates
Please note updates to the Minor Use Pesticides Program Project Status by Crop, Submissions and Registrations reports generated on June 2, 2016 The Pesticide Risk Reduction Program’s Biopesticide Project Status by Crop report from June 6, 2016. Project Status by Crop...