Dernières actualités
Plongez dans notre section "Actualités" pour vous tenir au courant des dernières nouveautés dans le secteur des produits frais. Vous y trouverez des communiqués de presse et des mises à jour importantes sur nos efforts de sensibilisation, vous permettant ainsi de rester informé sur les questions importantes pour notre secteur.
Canadian produce industry urges parliamentarians to consider important trade and health issues
On November 7 and 8, industry leaders representing the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) and the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) met with over 50 Parliamentarians and civil servants in Ottawa to discuss key issues currently affecting the Canadian...
Government officials talk to real producers on crop protection tour of Ottawa-area farms
The Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) recently hosted representatives from government and industry on a tour of three farms in the Ottawa area. Tour attendees witnessed on-farm crop protection practices and discussed priority issues with actual farmers. Staff from...
2017 Mid-Summer Apple Meeting & Orchard Tour
Last July 25 and 26, Quebec's Apple Producers hosted the annual meeting of the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC)'s Canadian apple industry. Representatives from the industry, from the Quebec and Canadian governments and from the other provinces increased their...